Thursday, June 25, 2009

Thing #10 Embedded Slideshow

Photo Credits:

All floral photography by Julia Walker

"Children Are..." by my daughter, Sarah Browning, in Ghana, Africa

summer 2009

"Unique" - children's day by M@rg

"Curious" - What a Child Sees by Thomas Hawk

"Amazing" - children's day by ayashok photography

"Bright" - Late for children's day! by Seema KK

The hardest part of this activity was choosing which images to use

from the millions that are available. CC is a great resource for any

kind of photograph you can even dream about needing.

I also incorporated some of my own photography. That is my hobby

and I love to share when I can.

The picture of the group of children is near and dear to my heart.

The one white girl in the picture is my youngest daughter, Sarah.

She is a 20-year old Junior at UT Austin. This summer she is in

Ghana, Africa, where this picture was taken. She worked with a

team of university students to build a library for an elementary

school in Accra, Ghana.

The most rewarding part of this assignment was the fulfillment of

the final product. I like the metaphorical imagery of the flower

pictures to the children's pictures.

I had a problem with the text in this post not wanting to wrap at the

end of a line. I had to manually return at the end of each line. Has

anyone else had this problem? How do I fix it?

1 comment:

  1. It probably isn't a true word processor so you have to adjust manually. Beautiful slide show!
