Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thing #16 LibraryThing

Hmmm.... Library Thing.... I must admit it's not a website concept I have ever given any thought to. I see value in it to organize and optimize use of a personal or professional library.

My first reaction to the concept is that I don't have enough books to need to catalog them. As I explored the site and what it had to offer, I realized I have more books than I thought I did. Most of them are professional books related to teaching. I did set up an account and will add some of my library to it. It is very convenient that it is online. I will be able to add books from school easily. I really like the option of a picture of the cover included. That is how I mentally picture my books. Yes, I am a visual learner.

I can see potential with Library Thing for my teenage son. He will be a Freshman at PHS next year and is being assigned a lot of required reading. Using Library Thing we can keep up with the books he owns and give him the opportunity to communicate with others reading the same books. If he introduces Library Thing to his friends, they would have a connection that would quite possibly help with their school work.


  1. I just think your blog is so cute. I love the flowers it give it a spring time look. You have given me proof that I can finish this class. I am a little bit behind but I know AI can catch up. I see where the library thing can be used. It sounds like a good idea. I wished that my boys could have something like this when they were at PHS.

  2. If you explore the social aspect of Libray Thing you should get many suggestions of books to read that you would enjoy.
