Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thing #18 YouTube and TeacherTube

Before 23 Things I had never spent much time on YouTube. My son learns guitar songs by YouTube video regularly. My daughters find humorous things to share also. I guess it's time for me to explore.

I found the video "Library Dominoes" especially entertaining. Just thinking about someone taking the time to set up for that 23 second video makes me smile. I also found a video of Barak Obama's view on education and his daughters' first day of school. He elaborates on children being prepared before coming to school. In this talk, he advocates focusing on At-Risk families.

My fun video....was Mother's Day this year. All four of my children and my husband are musical. So, you can imagine the music that goes on at my house when we're together. Mother's Day was especially wonderful. My kids surprised me with "The Best Day" by Taylor Swift that they practiced and sang for me. The day progressed into more fun. Eli and Randy played their rendition of "Chopsticks." It's a minute, 36 seconds of just plain fun. :)

For my How-to video I chose "How To Take a Paper Airplane." I found it quite amusing that many videos are made by kids and that there are so many out there on every topic imaginable.

It is true there are things on YouTube that are of bad taste. I would not let students search it. But, I can find things that I can use to embed in a blog for students to view.

Educationally, there is a lot on YouTube, but TeacherTube is better. I found videos on everything from Language Arts to Math to Phys Ed. Here are two of my favorites.

"Lady Liberty Tells Her Story" is very engaging even to me as an adult. I had the opportunity to visit NYC and see these ladies in person. The video is great for kids to pick up those facts we want them to know in an interesting way.

"Math Vocabulary With Croc and Tito" is a fun way to learn Math vocabulary. Younger kids will enjoy the puppets.

One thing to keep in mind in using YouTube and TeacherTube is that the videos are made by consumers and a lot of amateurs. I think videos should be scrutinized carefully before using in the classroom.


  1. The Lady Liberty video was one of my all time favoeites from Teacher Tube. What a wonderful way for a seech or drama class to post a final project that gives other students something to see and say "I could do that." Nothing however can top a family together having a great time.
    Hope that your 4th was just as fun.

  2. I totally agree that like any media used with students everything needs to be previewed by the teacher first. It's just good teaching practice
